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Kincaid Surname DNA Project Information

Frequently Asked Questions

My mother was a Kincaid, can I do the Y-DNA test?
No. The Y-DNA is passed only from father to son. The DNA Sample needs to be from an unbroken male line.

How many markers should I order?
The results from the 37 marker test are needed to place you in a Kincaid Group and set. We have found that less than 37 generates results which are too broad in scope. Later, you may find you want to upgrade.

What is involved in the test?
FTDNA will send you a kit with cotton swabs. You will swipe the inside of your cheek on two separate days and send the swabs back to FTDNA.

How long until I get the results?
FTDNA sends the kits to the lab as the lab has room, usually once a week. The lab will cause the DNA to multiply to a point where they can get an accurate reading for each marker. This can take several months but generally the first batch of results are back in four to six weeks.